By making a purchase on this website, you agree to the following:

1.) All purchases are voluntary.

2.) You authorize Auto Systems Centers, Inc. to deduct money from your paycheck according the the payment schedule shown below.

3.) If you are a salaried employee the weekly deductions will only be made from my commissions or bonuses, not from your salary.

4.) In the event of your termination from Auto Systems Centers, Inc. employment, your remaining balance owed will be deducted in full from your final check whether you are an hourly or salaried employee.

5.) You also may not have an outstanding balance greater than $300.00 unless approved by your Regional Manager.

The repayment schedule is as follows and denotes the maximum number of weeks that you may elect to repay the total amount of your purchase.

Amount of Purchase is Between:Maximum Number of Weeks to Deduct:
$0.00 - $30.001
$30.01 - $60.002
$60.01 - $90.003
$90.01 - $120.004
$120.01 - $150.005
$150.01 - $180.006
$180.01 - $210.007
$210.01 - $240.008
$240.01 - $270.009
$270.01 - $300.0010